![]() During the waiting process, most people often quit when they don't see the desire results. Why? Because we get tired of waiting, we become frustrated, and we become impatient. But after a seed has been planted, it first must die and be allowed time for its root to take place. Depending on the type of seed, it's yielding process may differ. Just because you are not seeing immediate results or the budding of the fulfillment of promise of the Word GOD spoke does not mean things are not active or moving in your favor. The LORD is not governed and neither is He limited to our earthly hemisphere. His ways are perfect. Remember this when you heard Him speak but you don't see things happening. To EVERYTHING there is a season. There is a ton of activity taken place within the confinements of the dark dirt the seed was buried in. You must, however, shift your scope of view from an earthly perspective to a spiritual position, but from your position, you will not actually see it because you are above the ground and the seed is buried within the ground. There may be a lot of dark dirt around you but GOD is the One whose covenant and promise will break the fallow ground and plant roots that cannot be uprooted. In its perfect timing, you will see the promise blossoming from beneath the dirt to the upper ground where you are. ~Narda Goodson #NGMDESIGNS.COM #YourBiblicalDesigner #YourVisionToFruition Peter scurried down to the bottom of the boat where Yeshua was sleeping. In a panic fit, he wakes Him up, and like many of us today, he shouted the infamous words, "I'm drowning, Lord! Don't you care?"
Then the Master replied to Peter, "I've been right here, Peter. Why are you doubting? Where is your faith?" How many times have we replayed this scenario? How many times have we found ourselves in a fire of desperation only to echo those infamous, faithless words over and over and over? LEARN & DISCERN: Whether we put ourselves in the crisis we are standing in by making poor choices, breaking a principle, or whether someone threw us in, life happens to all of us. Think about it. Peter walked, talked, and hung out with the Master but still did not get it. He did not get that Yeshua was already at the bottom of the problem. He was down where the troubled water would fill up first. LIFE APPLICATION: The LORD never sleeps but the Word within can sit inside us in a comatose state. Wake up the Word within you! Begin to declare and decree what the Scriptures have prophetically declared. What you need is already living inside you. Wake it up! Yeshua sits in the boat of life with us. He has anointed our mouth to speak to our storms and they must obey. Have faith. ~Narda Goodson, 2017 Daily Doses of Gospel PiLLs www.NardaGoodson.com |
Narda GoodsonColumnist and former First Lady of Whitewright, Texas, Narda Goodson is an inspirational soloist and speaker for conferences and women's groups across the United States. ArchivesCategories |